Finally, moving to my home is completed, new kitchen galore! Thanks to these excellent movers who made this possible, you should also know more about them. Back to this blog, finally.
(You only realize how much time you spent in stores, with contractors et al looking back after you’ve completed the project. Ah, bollocks, it’s never completed 🙂
Today’s theme is colors again. Interior designers, painters, etc and probably you all use color swatches (those little stacks of colored papers) when trying to find “your real colours”. Colors here are usually presented linearly, one after another, in the order they are on a color wheel.
The color wheel can be a very useful tool for you: it not just shows the colors, but also help you find contrasting or complementary colors if you know how to use it.
But what do you do if you don’t have the time, or decide that the color wheel is simply not for you? If you use the net (ehh… reading this, I presume you do 😉 you can find inspiration in every corner.
Today I’d like to show you three sites full of color and inspiration.
OK, you already know this I’m almost sure. But just look at this, and see what it can do for you:
Adobe Kuler
Kuler offers everything a color wheel does and more. Choose a main color and find complementary colors, contrasting colors, different shades of colors. However, I think the main attraction is not this: Kuler lets you – and thousands of other users – store and name the colors you choose. And the best: you can see them all. Looking for a “calm sea” color scheme? Presto, here you go:
Looking for what’s hot? Look at the most popular colors, or the highest rated ones on the left-hand menu.
Kuler is used by a lots of different people: you can get color inspiration not just from interior designers, but from webdesigners, photographers and print-magazine creative editors as well!
The site says it best: “COLOURloversâ„¢ is a resource that monitors and influences color trends. COLOURlovers gives the people who use color – whether for ad campaigns, product design, or in architectural specification – a place to check out a world of color, compare color palettes, submit news and comments, and read color related articles and interviews.”
So, for anything color, just look there.
Name that color!
And for a bonus: if you always looked for a color and couldn’t really explain that greyish-greenish-blue with a little more blue and a little more green, here’s the resource for you:
Now, what about a nice Violent Violet?
1 comment so far ↓
This is a great blog for Kitchen and Home Remodeling advice. Another great place to learn about remodeling is DHR
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